One a Day Through Work and Play

The Quest? To take ONE PICTURE every day.
Because every day is: a story to tell
an adventure to embark upon
a SONG to sing
a poem to recite
a walk to remember
...because life is short, so why wait to tell your story?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 3: Me and my Emily! :D

So...everyone meet Emily! One of the best things that ever happened to my life. I didn't mention in the Day 2 blog about the best part of yesterday, which was surely walking up to the pool and trying to sneak up on her when she whipped around, saw me, and attacked me with one of the best hugs I've ever gotten! I wanted to feature her today because she is definitely one of the most special people in my life.

It was very tough leaving camp this afternoon because I've been going since I was two years old and for the first time in my life I can't tell you when the next time I'll be able to go back will be. And of course, leaving Emily was a toughie. I always hate saying goodbye to her. But alas, life must go on!

So I came home and went to see the Summer Theatre for Camden Day Camp production of Aladdin Jr. I was amazed by these kids. Kudos to the direction staff (headed up by my personal hero Mary Kraack) for working some true theatre magic with these kids. And the kids were SO cute out in the lobby! Shaking our hands and saying, "Thank you for coming!" That professionalism aspect of our program starts early I tell you, early!

So not as exciting of a day as yesterday, but still a very good day! That's it for now, I'll make sure to blog Day 4 tomorrow!

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