Ugh! I HATE cue to cue rehearsals. I mean... I know they're necessary and everything, but in my ever so humble opinion I don't think the full cast is necessary. All you really need is the principle characters who are on stage the whole time and the running crew. All other people are only going to be a distraction. Especially the children! They have no concept of the importance of what's going on and they're bored and whiney and loud!!! And then the running crew can't hear what's being called so they keep missing cues and it's just a mess and takes way too long. And to the running crew: PLEASE LOOK AT THE SPIKE TAPE! It's there for a reason.
Okay. Enough ranting. That really isn't too bad of a rant for a cue to cue rehearsal though. Most of the time I'm the crankiest person in the world by the end of them.
So on to tonight!
I went to the fireworks with the lovely Ms. Rebekah Martens and got to finally meet her boyfriend of 8 months who scored incredibly high on my approval rating. We had a blast and it's very rare for me to get to see Bekah because she's ALWAYS in Americus. We laughed pretty much the whole time and agreed that the fireworks that after the pop make that fizzle 'kshshshsh' sound are definitely our favorites. Although Bekah got a tad bit indecisive when she commented a few minutes later that the ones that shower down are her favorite. We dealt with it though. It's funny how sometimes you don't realize how much you really miss someone until you're with them.
I'll close with this thought. The Saint Marys Police Department should allow people who live on Nancy Drive to get onto Nancy Drive after the fireworks. Yeah I know some people use it as a shortcut to get to 40... but I LIVE on Nancy Drive. Like, you know, my house is...right there! Please let me get to it.
Jeremy: it is necessary for full company to be at the rehearsal when it is a wet tech. The crew needs to know who is on stage at what time and how to plan for it. It may not make sense to you the actor, but Wet Techs for me have helped so much for the production. (I.E. All Shook Up) And don't say anything about looking at the spike tape; you need to be on running crew and then you will understand.