The photo today is of the newly elected Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Basically, she's like a Presbyterian Pope! Congrats to Elder Cynthia Bolbach for being elected last night!
So today I spent the majority of my day with my family down in Florida to celebrate the Fourth. It was a good break from daily routine life.
It's good to know that all the injured hands in the Douylliez family are being healed. We had a week about two months ago where three hands ended up being severely hurt. First my Uncle Kevin got his hand stuck in machinery at work and almost completely lost it. Then my Aunt Denise got her hand caught in a lawn chair and almost cut her finger off. And then my Aunt Helen did something to hers (I think she fell on it but I'm not really sure). It was funny though because they were all in bandages and casts at my graduation party. The only one still in the cast is Uncle Kevin, but he's getting better every day.
I was reminded today of my passion for Star Wars as I watched a marathon on television. It's just so good! I love irony and the story is so full of it it's not even funny. I think my absolute favorite thing about Star Wars though is the genius behind R2D2. There is something incredibly artistic about giving a nonspeaking droid a personality. I'm always blown away by the amount of character the little guy has. He's sassy and vibrant and energetic and I just love him!
So that was my day today. Tomorrow is college physical day. Don't you know I'm just so excited about that!
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