I have a confession. I am addicted to Black and White 2. The past couple days have been nonstop playing with a few breaks to eat. I did take a short break yesterday to see The Last Airbender with Aaron Silva, but other than that I have been consumed entirely. I have been intending to blog every day but when I realize that it's 2:30 in the morning and I'm still playing this stupid game I say, "Oh darn, I forgot to blog. I'll do it tomorrow." Well I will not let this happen more than twice in a row, so I'm blogging now.
My thoughts on the game: It's ridiculous how much freedom you have in this game. It's very user friendly, very easy, and very very fun! I am NOT a gamer by any means of the word. I have no gamer tag and I rarely play video games. This is really the first one since two years ago when I got some stupid Spyro game for my xbox. So I'm really enjoying myself and I've gotten almost to the end so I'll have my life back shortly.
My thoughts on The Last Airbender: Don't waste your money! It was a good summary, I'll give it that, but they could have crammed so much more into it if they hadn't had the forty-five second clips of them practicing water bending every two minutes. I know they want to highlight the martial arts and everything, but it slowed the movie down to a snail's pace and took up WAY too much time. I guess the moral of the story is there and it was touching and all, but you can get all that from the good old fashioned cartoons. Really the only part I thoroughly enjoyed was when Ang was airbending and the sound was pretty epic. It was this really cool woosh that rumbled the whole theatre. But other than that, I wish I hadn't wasted my nine dollars. So if you do go, pay the matinee price.
Closing thoughts: Glozell Green is my hero. Youtube her and watch my two favorite of her videos, 'Apple' and 'Sandwich.' Her song translations are pretty much spot on too.
And of course I wouldn't be doing my life any justice if I didn't mention real quick that Cinderella opens next week July 9th and runs through the 11th. Call the box office to reserve your tickets now! 912-729-7463
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